T.K. Flicek "A lover...a dreamer...a poet...a believer."

A blessed dip into the depths of my soul by means of poetry, dreams, stories and magic.

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The Writer

Tarah K. Flicek

Slip into a world…a world unknown; where visions of art create hundreds of pages. Frantically, the weighted pen glides across the weathered parchment.

An echo in an empty room reveals a pounding heart; the blood sheds across the white canvas while intrigue fills the silence and a quivering hand battles for continuance.
Mercilessly the pen pounds out images while under the scrutiny of the mind. Salty drops of sweat bead upon the brow; the body

begins to form.

A breath rattles under the strain of creation; so close and yet incomprehensible to imagine. Behind moist eyes, the mind reveals the truth. Facing fears, fighting wars and shedding the last fateful tear…the end draws near.

Alas, the mighty pen ceases it’s melodious scratching thus surrendering to its great reward. Millions of characters, thousands of words and hundreds of pages flutter into view as the sacred Story give birth to its newborn Writer.


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