T.K. Flicek "A lover...a dreamer...a poet...a believer."

A blessed dip into the depths of my soul by means of poetry, dreams, stories and magic.

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A Weave through Time

By: T.K. Flicek

A golden thread winds through time and casts a fated shadow.

Inch by inch the thread weaves to tell the tale of a created soul. Smooth and soft as a baby is born, the thread begins to spin. Twisted by Fates unbiased hand it hastens to journey into the wilds of life.

Heavy vibrations threaten the unraveling of the thread as a child walks the broken path towards adulthood. Onward it carries the tapping of time and soon begins to tarnish. Age has crept upon the adult bringing with it a sense of wisdom.

Slowly the thread hums to a rhythmic final beat…a solemn twist and slow drawn breath reveal a set of silver shears. As Fate holds in her gentle hand the still of life’s last breath, she delicately ends the existence of this worn and withered thread.

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